ShiVa de StoneTrip

Want to learn more about ShiVa ? Check out the Stonetrip website.

Little Jurassic People is a 3D web-based MMOG. ShiVa, by Stonetrip is the technology that made the all of this possible.

ShiVa is a development package that meets all our essential requirements :
  • It features all the essential tools required to build a 3D videogame
  • Several networking functionalities and MMOG-ready development
  • Competitive graphical and audio capabilities in a web-based environment
  • Web-browser compatibility (IE, Firefox, Chrome...)
  • Stonetrip is a young, dynamic company, in touch with its customers
We recently secured a partnership with Stonetrip that allowed us to obtain enough software licenses and one online game server to develop Little Jurassic People.